Our handling tutorials !
For more than 6 months now we have been offering lightsaber handling tutorials on our social medias with 2 content creators : Malboges and Aeryaa
With these tutorials you’ll be able to learn from scratch how to do tricks and manipulation movements with your saber. These tutorials are made to improve and make you choreography more visual, improve your fighting style or to discover a new way to use your Solaari saber
The Solaari team recomend you to follow the tutorials one by one in the order we published them to progess faster and better. You'll find them here. The order of the tutorials have been created by Malboges and Aeryaa in order to strat from the easiest to the toughest and to be progressive.
Have you seen them ? What do you think of them ? Do not hesitate to send us private message we would be really happy to discuss it with you !